Want to learn a lot about carnivore in the least time possible? 

Then the Road to Carnivore Podcast is for you.

Unlike most podcasts, each episode is 7 to 20 minutes, and takes the tremendous amount of health information on that episode's topic and boils it down to the cliff notes. 

Each episode gives you the most important information and science to quickly understand each topic, so you can most efficiently learn about the very important relationship between diet and health.

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Latest Episodes:

Episode 30: When You Keep Failing To Do Carnivore After You Said You Would Jun 24, 2024

Welcome to Episode 30 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

One of the most common problems I see with people who struggle with doing carnivore successfully is behavior that lacks integrity. Integrity is scarce in our modern world, and our culture encourages us to say things we don't mean, and not...

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Episode 29: Is Eating Whatever You Want Freedom? Jun 17, 2024

Welcome to Episode 29 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

Often times people lament the restrictions of the diet they're on, and wish they could be free with their eating. They feel that if they could eat whatever they wanted to, and as much as they wanted to, then that would be true freedom...

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Episode 28: All The Fears I Had About Doing Carnivore Jun 10, 2024

 Welcome to Episode 28 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

Many people have subconscious fears about changing their eating, and it is very common for people to self-sabotage themselves in this area. I have seen it repeatedly with clients I have worked with, and these...

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Episode 27: Getting People You Care About To Do Carnivore Jun 03, 2024

Welcome to Episode 27 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

This 8-minute episode discusses a question that I get often: "How do I get the people I love and care about to do carnivore?"

Where to Listen:

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Episode 26: Chocolate Is Not A Health Food May 27, 2024

Welcome to Episode 26 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

This 7-minute episode discusses why chocolate is not a health food.

The public perception of chocolate has been massively affected by "studies" sponsored by chocolate companies that draw unreasonably positive conclusions about chocolate.


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Episode 25: The Cholesterol Episode May 20, 2024

Welcome to Episode 25 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

Carnivore is often criticized for being a diet that’s overloaded with cholesterol-rich foods, and for being a diet that can give people high cholesterol.

In this 16-minute episode, we are going to discuss this criticism, and...

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Episode 24: Why I Like Carnivore More Than Keto, Paleo, Low Carb, and Every Other Diet May 15, 2024

Welcome to Episode 24 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

This 13-minute episode discusses why I like the Carnivore diet way more than keto, paleo, low carb, or any other diet I’ve ever tried.

Though these diets tend to get grouped together as “alternative diets,” my experience...

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Episode 23: How to Tolerate Dairy May 15, 2024

Welcome to Episode 23 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

This 11-minute episode discusses how to tolerate dairy, if it’s something you currently can’t eat without issue, but would like to be able to eat.

A carnivore diet may be able to heal your gut and villi enough to get you there.

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Episode 22: How Sugar Damages the Body May 05, 2024

Welcome to Episode 22 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

This 16-minute discusses the nuances of how sugar damages the body. We’ve all heard before that sugar is unhealthy, but the damage is so much worse than most people know.

If you have trouble resisting sugar, the information shared here...

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Episode 21: The Dangers of Having Affection for Food May 05, 2024

Welcome to Episode 21 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

This 14-minute episode brings awareness to a common stumbling block for those trying to switch to a carnivore lifestyle: unchecked affection for non-carnivore foods.

Reining in this affection is key to doing carnivore long term from a place...

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Episode 20: My Experience with Carnivore during Pregnancy May 05, 2024

Welcome to Episode 20 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

In this 16-minute episode, I share my personal experience with the carnivore diet during pregnancy.

Despite the fact that I was carnivore for nearly 2 years prior to this pregnancy, having a fully carnivore pregnancy was literally not...

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Episode 19: The “Meat Causes Cancer” Myth May 05, 2024

Welcome to Episode 19 of The Road to Carnivore Podcast!

Have you ever heard someone say that meat causes cancer? This 17-minute episode will help you understand this widely held but unfounded claim, and where it came from.

There is literally not a single study on earth that proves a link between...

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